O Lord, Make Us Worthy - A Vespers Part by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bless the Lord, o my soul (Psalm 103) by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

October 7, 2013

Thanksgiving Day in Kam'yanets Podilskiy

Ocotber 6, 2013. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Kam'yanets-Podilskiy has celebrated the Tanksgiving Day in the city. Deacon Volodymyr Maskov has greeted citizens on this occasion with the Word of God.  Brother Victor Mrachkovski has cooked a good size copper of traditional Ukrainian Kulish (a kind of thick soup with millet and meat). All the participants of the city festivity could taste the Kulish as well as to receive the Good News Journal, and  Lutheran confessional books, published by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, and hear the Lutheran testimony about the Christian faith. Pictures by Oleksiy Kustlivi.


Martin Luther's Works in Ukrainian - Volume 1

 On September 22, 2013 the first volume of Luther's Works in Ukrainian was presented to the Ukrainian Lutheran Church.Volume number 1 includes Dr. Luther's sermons on the Gospel of John, chapters 1 thourgh 4. The presentation of the 1st volume took place at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv.  The event was dedicated to the 1025th anniversary of introduction of Christianity in Ukraine and took place right after the God's service.  Dr. Robert Rahn, Interim Executive Director of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation was the key presenter.  Every participant of the celebration could receive a signed copy of the 1st volume of Luther's Works.  The next volume of Luther's Works will be dedicated to Luther's wrtings on the Word and Sacrament. The book is available and being sent both to congregations and individuals.