O Lord, Make Us Worthy - A Vespers Part by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bless the Lord, o my soul (Psalm 103) by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

June 18, 2019

Vacation Bible School in Bereznehuvate and Kherson

Ukrainian Lutheran congregations in Kherson and Bereznehuvate and their pastors: Yuriy Tytskiy and Serhiy Somin, as well as our U.S. volunteers from WELS: Craig Reineck, Brenda De Marce, Rhett Cheek, Kari Hurley, Hanna Orta and Philip Kistler, welcome all the kids to the Vacation Bible School. They will find lots of Christian love, studies and fun here! Please continue to support this project and keep it in your prayers.

June 10, 2019

Vacation Bible School in Kremenets and Ivanivka

Welcome all the kids to the Vacation Bible School at Holy Cross Lutheran Church Kremenets and Saint John Lutheran Church in Ivanivka!  This year VBS topic is "I am Jesus' Lamb." A very special welcome to the WELS volunteers: Brenda De Marce, Rhett Cheek, Gail Kelly, Kari Hurley, Hanna Orta and Philip Kistler!

May 28, 2019

Two New Communicant Members at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv

Congratulations to brothers Oleksandr Petrenko and Oleksiy Samoilenko, our new communicant members at the Resurrection Lutheran Church! They have studied the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther and upon their graduation from the Catechism course were invited to the Holy Communion. The congregation has also gave them gifts: the Book of Concord (The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church) and  white roses, symbols of righteousness that we have through faith in Christ only.

May 7, 2019

Three New Communicant Members at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv

We sincerely congratulate sister Natalia Soloshenko who was baptized at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv and together with brother Sviatoslav Horpynchuk and sister Maria Gubina, became a new communicant member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.  All three new communicant members of the church studied the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther and upon their graduation from the Catechism course received also two gifts from the congregation: the Book of Concord (The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church) and  white roses, symbols of righteousness that we have through faith in Christ only.

April 30, 2019

Two New Communicant Members at Saint John and James Lutheran Church in Ternopil

Saint James and John Lutheran Church in Ternopil welcomed two new communicant members: Mrs. Iryna Zuyeva and her son, Edward Zuyev who professed their Lutheran faith after studies of Dr. Luther Small Catechism. We wish sister Iryna and brother Edward many, blessed years in the Lord Jesus Christ!

April 27, 2019

A New Communicant Member at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Zaporizhia

Congratulations to brother Ivan Mikhnenko on becoming a communicant member of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church in Zaporizhia! May the Lord continue to lead brother Ivan and bless him with His rich blessings!

April 26, 2019

A New Communicant Member at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv

Congratulations to Maria Kononovych, a catechumen of the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv, who became a new communicant member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church!!! Maria has received her first Holy Communion on Palm Sunday. She also received two gifts from the congregation: the Book of Concord (The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church) and a white rose, a symbol of righteousness that we have through faith in Christ only.

April 13, 2019

Evangelism in Ternopil

St. John and James Lutheran Church in Ternopil hosted Christian Evenings for her parishioners and visitors of the city. Evangelism program included Lutheran hymns, meditations, devotions and preaching of the Gospel. Many young people attended. Please enjoy some pictures from this evangelism program.