O Lord, Make Us Worthy - A Vespers Part by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bless the Lord, o my soul (Psalm 103) by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

July 4, 2010


Happy Birthday to the United States of America and lots of thanksgiving  to God for this country on the 4th of July!  I thank our Lord especially for American Christians who were broadcasting Christian radioprograms to the Soviet Union, thus sharing the Word of God with many millions of inhabitants of that Evil Empire.  Ukrainian Lutherans thank God for those Americans who brought the Gospel as soon as the "iron wall" fell down and for those Christians in the United States who share their blessings by supporting pure Gospel preaching all around the world, and especially in Ukraine.  You celebrate your country's birthday and we celebrate it with you together, prayerfully rejoicing. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance" (Psalm 33:12).  Happy Birthday!

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