Due to the Julian Calendar the Ukrainian Lutheran Church begins to celebrate Christmas on January 6. To those of you who begin to celebrate our Savior's birthday today - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the Lord Incarnate continue to gather you around the Cradle of the Church - His Word and Sacraments!
December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
December 22, 2012
Prayer Request
We have very snowy and frosty winter (I think they call it 'global warming'). It means that in many parts of our country some roads are totally closed and some are very difficult to drive on because of snowdrifts. There have been a few days of rather calm weather in a row but today it is snowing again. Since our pastors believe they should deliver food of the Holy Gospel to their sheep every Lord's Day despite of any weather conditions, could you pray about their safe travels in Ukraine tomorrow, please? A picture is from our pastor from Malyn and Radomyshl, Rev. Dmytro Didkivskiy. He wrote if not police patroling the area he and a dozen of other drivers would have to spend a day or so in snowdrifts and on a road with fallen trees. Thank you for your prayers and have a blessed day of the Lord tomorrow!
July 30, 2012
A Very Interesting Article from the BBC 4
I have found its Ukrainian version on our deacon's blog and then I have found its original on the BBC 4 web-site. If you are a Lutheran, you will not regret reading it. The title of the article is: The eurozone's religious faultline. To read it click the following link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18789154
April 26, 2012
Some Pictures from Celebrating Easter in Kyiv
"Let us be attentive!" - Easter Gospel reading
Easter Play
Prayer Before Easter Meal
With Parishioners
April 9, 2012
Christ Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!
Христос воскрес! Воістину воскрес!
Christ Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!
Dear visitors of the Ukrainian Lutheran Weekly!
Please receive most sincere greetings from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church on these very light days of Easter when we celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our dear crucified Savior. By His blood He washed away all our sins and by His death on the cross He conquered our death and scattered all the dark accusations of the devil. Let us rejoice in Jesus’ Resurrection and remembering His empty tomb, in expectation of His glorious return and our own resurrection, let us proclaim everywhere this wonderful fact: Christ Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed! Христос воскрес! Воістину воскрес!
In Christ, our Risen Lord and Savior,
Rev. Dr. Vyacheslav Horpynchuk,
Bishop, Ukranian Lutheran Church
March 3, 2012
Ladies' Bible Breakfast
Ladies of the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv had their regular Bible Brekafst today. Tasting coffee, tea and sweets they were exploring "Martha, a Generous Hostess of Bethany" topic. After studies of the Old and New Testament Scriptures (Proverbs 31, Luke 10:38-42 and John 11:17-44) sisters in Christ not only have strengthened their faith but also have discussed how to get their priorities right, especially in the season of Lent.
Picture: Shortly Before the Bible Breakfast beginning
February 29, 2012
Lent in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church
We follow Julian Calendar therefore we have entered Lent today. As our brothers in the West begin their celebrations with Ash Wednesday we begin our celebrations of Lent with Repentance Wednesday. Most Ukrainians believe in spiritual usefulness of fasting which consists of avoiding meats and other fats of animal origin. Any violation of such a fasting is often considered as a sin. This challenges us, as confessional Lutherans, to respond that even though fasting can be a good preparation (and preparation only) for the Day of the Lord, it is only the Means of Grace that renews our zeal in faith and life, brings us forgiveness, peace with God and life eternal. Nothing else can do it. In Lent we paraphraze ad fontes - in repentance to the healing sources of the Word and the Sacrament, and from there let us run to all the needy with bread of wheat and with Bread of Life! (Isaiah 58:5-12).
February 25, 2012
Kyiv Land Issue Resolved
Ukrainian Lutheran Church has received the State Certificate on Continual Land Use in Kyiv. The City Administrator, Mr. Olexandr Popov has kept his word and in a few days after the City Church Council meeting the documents were issued to our church body. It means that the land we have been rented for years is transfered into the ULC for free of charge use. It also means that we can proceed with construction now. We thank the Lord for Mr. Popov and his City government officials. Especially we thank the Lord for our brothers from the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod who by suppport of our church body in this project made this day possible. May the Lord continue to bless all of you richly! We also ask your prayers and any possible support for our church construction project in Kyiv. Soli Deo Gloria!
February 13, 2012
Very Cold Weather
We have been struggling with a very cold weather for almost three weeks. Lots of snow and especially very low temperatures. Black Sea near its northern shores, including the Crimea, froze (I cannot recollect such news in my life), the Danube River is covered with ice, the frozen Strait of Kerch captivated ships and emergency teams had to save ships crew members, almost 150 people froze to death in Ukraine.
It has been a very difficult time for our congregations as well - to keep our church building warm so that the Word could be continued to be preached and Sacraments administered publicly. It has been a challenge. Our special thanks go to the Rev. Neal Schroeder who founded the Barnabas Project and to those people who donate to it. Your love literally warmed Ukrainian Lutherans! May the Lord continue to bless all of you!
It has been a very difficult time for our congregations as well - to keep our church building warm so that the Word could be continued to be preached and Sacraments administered publicly. It has been a challenge. Our special thanks go to the Rev. Neal Schroeder who founded the Barnabas Project and to those people who donate to it. Your love literally warmed Ukrainian Lutherans! May the Lord continue to bless all of you!
January 30, 2012
Theology of the Cross Presentations in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Kremenets
All Saints Lutheran Church in Kharkiv
Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv
Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kremenets
January 16, 2012
U.S. Children for Ukrainian Children
As we continue to celebrate Christmas in Ukraine a very nice Christmas gift has arrived to the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. It was mailed from the students of the second grade of St. Jacobi Lutheran School in Greenfield in Wisconsin (Teacher - Mrs. Kolosovski). The package included hand-made Christmas gifts for Ukrainian children, a very nice greeting, calendars for 2012 and a beautiful picture of U.S. kids with their teacher. Both Lutheran kids in Ukraine and their parents are grateful for such gifts and for such brothers and sisters in faith!
New Citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven
Myrskykh Kostantyn was born of water and the Spirit on January 15, 2012 in the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv. The Holy Sacrament of Baptism was administered by Rev. Neal Schroeder, Pastor of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. After Baptism sincere prayer of the congregation was raised to the Lord of the Church requesting many happy and blessed years for this new member of the Church. We add our prayers, too!
January 9, 2012
Celebrating Christmas at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv, Ukraine
Christmas Eve Vespers
Before Christmas Day Liturgy
A sermon for children
A Nativity Play
A Nativity Play
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