O Lord, Make Us Worthy - A Vespers Part by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bless the Lord, o my soul (Psalm 103) by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

August 23, 2016

Vacation Bible School in Kremenets

June was a very busy month for the Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kremenets and volunteers from the Grace Lutheran Church, Oskaloosa, Iowa and the Faith Lutheran Church, Sharpsburg, Georgia. Lots of work, lots of the Law and Gospel, lots of grace!

August 19, 2016

Vacation Bible School in Ivanivka (former Johannestahl)

Pastor Serhiy Somin with VBS kids after classes at the porch of St. John Lutheran Church in Ivanivka (Mykolaiv Oblast). For the whole week of the VBS children studied Luther's Small Catechism, the Bible and Christian songs. Pastor Somin has also conducted radio classes, especially for boys (not  at the picture).

August 15, 2016

Sunday at the Resurrection Lutheran Church

Children's sermon

A work of art of one of our members :-)