O Lord, Make Us Worthy - A Vespers Part by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bless the Lord, o my soul (Psalm 103) by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

April 3, 2011

Two New Communicant Members

Brother Dmytro Veselov and sister Larysa Zimenko have become new communicant members of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church.  They have studied Catechism with our Deacon Dmytro Prokopchuk (his assiastant was Deacon Serhiy Berezin) and they have also attanded different Bible studies in our parishe, led by Pastor. After public confession of their Lutheran faith they were invited to communion and membership in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. Resurrection Lutheran Church has presented them with confessional gifts and prayerfully asked for them many happy and blessed years in the Lord.  So do we in this blog!

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