Little more than a week ago we had ULC Youth Forum start. It took place in Kremenets. The youth gathering began with the meditation on the Word of God and prayers that were essential parts of the Forum for all three days. The very first seminar (as also other seminars) were based on Dr. Luther's Small Catechism and was titled "A Christian in Church". Bishop V'yacheslav Horpynchuk had his presentation in the begining.

The first day of the Forum was also busy with visiting the Yuliush Slovatsky Museum in Kremenets. We learned about life and works of this famous Polish poet who was born and grew up in a western Ukrainian town of Kremenets there.

They have also allowed us to make a small music picture on a museum piano.

We tried to investigate ancient dungeons of Kremenets....

And we also enjoyed a local rosarium...

We thank the Lord for Faith Lutheran Church from Sharpsburg, GA for the support of our Youth Forum and Holy Cross Lutheran Church from Kremenets for being our gracious host!
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