O Lord, Make Us Worthy - A Vespers Part by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bless the Lord, o my soul (Psalm 103) by the Resurrection Lutheran Church Choir, Kyiv, Ukraine

January 15, 2016

Сhristmas Pageant - Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv

You have been there - please tell us what have you seen and heard! 
(words from the traditional Ukrainian Christmas pageant).


Unknown said...

Bishop Horpynchuk:

I heard your 12-18-15 SKYP interview with Andy Bates of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

It was very interesting and informative. I volunteer at the LCMS and am very interested in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church, its history, and particularly their use of the modified, Byzantine East Liturgy. I attended Orthodox Liturgy in the past and think that combining that liturgy with Lutheran theology to be the best worship practice.

Do you know if there is a Ukrainian Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Missouri? Or where I can get the service book that your church uses?

Also, besides praying for the Ukrainian Lutheran Church, would there be any other ways to help? My primary email is: pribblelaw@sbcglobal.net.

In Christ,

пастир Вячеслав Горпинчук - Pastor Vyacheslav Horpynchuk said...

Thank you! I will contact you via e-mail!